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I’ve never talked to anyone. I’m used to handling things on my own. Aren’t people who go to therapy in more of a crisis than I am?

Not usually. People from all walks of life attend therapy for a variety of reasons. Everyone needs help now and then. Perhaps your problems feel overwhelming and it’s difficult to make sense of the best way to move forward. In your work at HeartLink Counseling, we will help you identify ways to improve hope, connection, and meaning in your life. If you’re not yet in a crisis, therapy may help you say, “crisis averted.”

How does therapy work? How is it different than talking to family or a friend?

HeartLink therapists will work with you to build a confidential environment of safety and trust. Together, you’ll approach your situation in a new way– we’ll teach you new information and skills, listen to you without judgment, and guide you in listening to yourself and your partner or family members differently than you have before.

How long will it take?

Everyone’s circumstances are unique to them and the length of time you spend in therapy meeting your goals depends on your commitment to the process and the factors that are driving you to seek therapy in the first place. For many individuals, couples, and families working with us, therapy spans 6-12 months, with some attending for shorter periods and some attending for longer. Factors such as broken trust, history of trauma, or addiction may take longer to respectfully untangle. Some people also choose to attend therapy less frequently once some improvements have been made.

I want to get the most out of therapy. What can I do to help?

The single most important thing you can do to get the most out of therapy is to attend regularly. During that attendance, showing up with a willingness to learn more about yourself and your partner or family members will enhance your ability to meet your goals. Lastly, following up on recommended reading or practicing coping strategies between sessions will boost your ability to translate your work in our office to your life outside of our office.

My partner and I are having problems. Should we be in individual counseling or come together?

If you are concerned about your partnership and you’re both open to attending therapy, you’ll find the greatest impact by working together. However, there are some circumstances where it’s not yet recommended to start couples therapy, or individuals are not yet ready to attend. If you have any questions about how to begin, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and we’ll help you figure out the next best step.

Do you offer online sessions?

HeartLink offers full online services via a HIPAA compliant video format. We are pleased to share that the clients who have begun therapy entirely online with us report that the video format has not prohibited them from establishing the safe, personal relationships with us required for meaningful work.

Due to the complex nature of couple therapy, we encourage couples to be together in the same room while engaging in online therapy when possible. We also encourage you to find a place that is well-lit so we may see your facial expressions.

Per ethical requirements, all clients utilizing online therapy must also be residents of Georgia.

How do I contact you in between sessions?

If you need to contact your therapist between sessions, please leave a message on their confidential voice mail along with your name, number, and reason for calling. We typically return calls within 1 business day. Depending on your individual client needs, we may set up email or text contact between sessions. For a mental health or substance abuse emergency, please call the Georgia Crisis and Access Line 24/7 at 1-800-715-4225 for free assistance with trained mental health clinicians.